Samena Squares Newsletter #14

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! Welcome back! It was great to see almost everyone, class members and angels, after our holiday break.

We had a good review and learned some new calls too. Several have asked how many calls are left to learn. The answer is about 28. Some are variations of calls that we already know and some are brand new. My goal is to finish the initial teaching by the middle of February and then just dance for several weeks to build up floor time.

And what’s next after class is over, you may ask. In the middle of March, after class is over, I will still be here on Thursday nights with workshops. We will dance to build up floor time. There are also some fun variations of calls like Grand Square that there is just not time to do on most class nights. They are calls better explored in a workshop setting. The workshops will last until May 23.

Last week I had asked for a square of angels to be available to stay after class for 15-20 minutes for Susanne to call to. Unfortunately, Susanne was sick and not able to come. Thank you, Angels, for being there! I would like a square of dancers to be available after every class night to give Susanne an opportunity to work on some calling skills that don’t necessarily happen in class. So if you are coming to dance on Thursdays and can stay a bit longer, I would appreciate it. Susanne will too!

See you Thursday!

Happy dancing,

Week #14
5. Promenade Family:
5 c. Wrong Way Promenade: As a couple, PROMENADE opposite the usual direction, that is, in a clockwise direction. WRONG WAY PROMENADE – couples full around 16 steps.

8. Right and Left Grand Family:
8 c. Wrong Way Grand: Same as RIGHT AND LEFT GRAND except in opposite direction. Still starts with the right hand. WRONG WAY GRAND – 10 steps.

34. Box The Gnat: This is one of the few moves that actually require a Boy and a Girl. With the person you’re facing join Right hands (by the fingertips. Boys palms up Girls palms down). Raise the joined hands Girls turn left face under the forming arch, Boys step across behind the Girls. Both end in the others starting position and facing direction. Right hands joined. BOX THE GNAT – 4 steps.

45. Sweep One Quarter: At the end of a sweeping turning motion continue sweeping one quarter more in the direction you were moving. SWEEP ONE QUARTER – 2 steps.