Samena Squares Newsletter #10

Dear Friends,

Another Thursday night of dancing has come and gone. We snuck down to California for the weekend. We had a good time with our son and future daughter-in-law. We even got to see where we used to live a long, long time ago.

This week I am sharing the procedure for Lost Squares below the new definitions. There is one fix for the Patter part of a tip. There is a different fix for the Singing Call part of the tip. One fix won’t work for both.

Some tips that will help your square be successful:
Touch hands
Keep your square from getting too big
Finish one call before attempting the next call
Know the calls
Work as a team

New Year’s Eve is only four weeks away. Time to get your tickets for the New Year’s Eve dance. It will be to your level of dancing. Dave Harry and I will be calling. The Samena Squares and Whirlybirds have lots of fun things planned. I hope you are all planning to come!

Finally, an inspirational thought. At least it was for me. One of the activities that I have been pursuing this fall is painting with watercolor. I am a total beginner. I started watercolor classes the week after our square dance class started. Someone shared this thought that can apply to square dancing too, or any new activity that we might want to pursue.

Practice, and remember the oath: have fun, be gentle to yourself, and don’t compare yourself to others.

Keep warm! See you Thursday!

Happy dancing,

Week #10
35. Trade Family:
35 c. Partner: Directed dancers change places with their partner. Every TRADE includes a reversal of facing direction. PARTNER – 4 steps;

40. Pass The Ocean: Facing couples PASS THRU, Face your partner and Step to an OCEAN WAVE. PASS THE OCEAN – 4 steps.

41. Extend: From an OCEAN WAVE across the center of the square, those in the wave step straight ahead and form a new wave with the outside dancers. The Centers (those in the original ocean wave) stay Centers; those on the outside (Ends) stay Ends. For smooth dancing all dancers move forward half the distance toward those they are facing. Extend – 2 steps.