Samena Squares Newsletter #8

Dear Friends,

It was great to see everyone Thursday night! Thanks for being there!

We are moving right along at a good pace for our class. We have a few to learn before Christmas. My goal is to be finished with the Basic list of calls before the holiday break so we can dance all of them at the New Year’s Eve dance.

I hope that you are planning to come or making plans to come to that dance. It is a fun time! The tickets are available every Thursday for $15/person. Drop me a note and I will save you some. Cash is the preferred medium of exchange.

As you get more experience dancing the calls that we are learning, each call will start blending into the next call so that you are continuously moving. Now, once in awhile there will be four dancers doing something in the middle of the square and you will be standing there. If you are standing, as in not the active dancer, three things should be happing in your mind. One, you should be watching what the active dancers are doing because you may be asked to do the same thing in a minute or two. Two, you should be alert because someone will be coming toward you or end up beside you to do the next call. You don’t want to be caught off guard and flat-footed and not ready to move. Three, you can enjoy 20-30 seconds of rest to catch your breath.

Remember to complete each call before doing the next one. Touch hands at the end of every call. Touching hands helps you to know where you are in the square.

Thank you, Susanne, for calling a tip for us.

Don’t forget! We will not be dancing on Thanksgiving Day!

Have a great week! See you next Thursday!

Happy dancing,

Week #8
12. Turn Back Family:
12 b. Backtrack: Designated dancers roll out (away from center) and walk around the set in opposite direction until next call; the others continue in the direction they were going. BACKTRACK – 2 steps.

31. Circle To Line: Starting with facing couples, in your foursome circle half way, the left hand dancer now on the outside of the circle drops hands with the Girl on his left and continues to lead to his left, the other dancers unroll into a line of four. The Girl on the end should walk forward to end of line under the arm of her partner. CIRCLE TO LINE – 8 steps.

42. Wheel & Deal: From lines with all four dancers facing out, the RIGHT hand couple wheels toward the center of the line to end in front of the other couple; the LEFT hand couple wheels toward the center of the line to end behind the other couple. From two faced lines, both couples wheel toward the center of the line to end facing each other. WHEEL & DEAL – 4 steps.