Samena Squares Newsletter #6

Dear Friends,

What a fun dance Friday night! Great costumes! It was fun to see many of you there! There were lots of clubs represented. Lots of new dancers! Check out the Samena Squares website ( later this week or early next week for pictures from the Halloween dance. If you weren’t able to come, you missed a good party!

Last week was Week #6 of learning to square dance. In this newsletter I will begin listing only the new calls that we learned. If you need to review earlier calls, re-read previous emails or go to my website. It’s a good idea to review all the calls that we know each week before Thursday.

This last Thursday we learned Double Pass Thru. With this call, we need to add the last of the Dancer Naming terms. The ones that we know so far are a Couple, Heads/Sides, Couple Numbers, Boys/Girls, and Centers/Ends. The new one is Leaders and Trailers. The simple explanation is that if you can’t see anyone else in your square or your formation, you are a Leader. If you can see other people in your square or your formation, you are a Trailer. We will see lots of examples of this as we dance in the coming weeks.

Have a good week! Be safe!

Happy Halloween,

Week #6
Dancer naming:
vi. Leaders, Trailers: In a tandem (one dancer behind another dancer) the dancers facing out of the box are the Leaders, the ones facing into the box are the Trailers.

4. Swing: Dancers step toward each other in ballroom dance position (right hip to right hip); leaning back slightly, walk forward around each other; the Boy ends facing the direction of the next call; the Girl rolls out to dance position on his right side. SWING – 4-8 steps at Callers discretion.

12. Turn Back Family:
12 a. ‘U’-Turn back: One of the self-explanatory calls, turn around in place to face opposite direction. If you have a partner turn toward your partner (it is friendlier and nicer), sometimes the turn is left and sometimes it is right. ‘U’-TURN BACK – 2 steps.

16. Ladies Chain Family:
16 c. Chain Down The Line: Starting position is a two-faced line with the Girls in the Center holding right hands; Girls trade with the right hand (the star part); offer their left hand to the Boy for a COURTESY TURN; while Girls are trading Boys take a step to their right to be in correct position for COURTESY TURN. CHAIN DOWN THE LINE – 8 steps.

25. Double Pass Thru: Couples in tandem (one behind the other), individually pass by two people. DOUBLE PASS THRU – 4 steps.

26. First Couple Go Left, Next Go Right: A directional call, first couple wheels as a couple to the left; the next couple wheels as a couple to the right to all end facing the opposite direction. Listen closely. It can be the opposite, first right, next left. FIRST COUPLE GO LEFT, NEXT GO RIGHT – 6 steps.

42. Wheel & Deal: From two faced lines, both couples wheel toward the center of the line to end facing each other. WHEEL & DEAL – 4 steps.