Samena Squares Newsletter #9

Dear Friends,

Happy weekend before Thanksgiving! Isn’t the sunshine great!

Everyone did well on Thursday night. I know that several people were feeling frustrated with their understanding of calls and progress. Thursday was Week #9. Historically, sometime between Week #8 and Week #12, there is lots of frustration. Sometimes it is one or two people. Sometimes it is the whole class. Be patient with yourselves. It always straightens itself out. Think back to other things that you have learned in your life. The eighth or ninth book you read as a child was not “War and Peace.” The tenth time you were at bat in baseball, you weren’t vying for Babe Ruth’s record.

My new thing to learn is watercolors. I’ve been doing it for 7 weeks. Some of my paintings have been good for a beginner. Some make me say to myself, “girl, you need a few more lessons and practice.” Painting clouds is hard. I do lots of practicing painting clouds.

Thursday night we learned two new formations in addition to a couple of calls. The formations were Alamo Rings and Ocean Waves. Big hint: Alamo Rings are just Ocean Waves connected together in a circle. How we get into them is what’s different. Waves are danced a lot in square dancing so we will be spending lots of time with them.

Next week there will be no class due to Thanksgiving celebrations. Relax! Enjoy your friends and family! Enjoy the pumpkin pie! See you on Thursday, November 29 refreshed and ready to go!

Happy dancing,

Week #9
3 b. Dosado to Wave: After completing a DOSADO, step slightly to the left and forward, touch RIGHT hands (Centers touch LEFT hands too) to end in an OCEAN WAVE. DOSADO TO WAVE – 6 steps.

35. Trade Family:
35 a. Trades: Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers: Directed dancers change places with the identified person. The person you are trading with may be next to you or somewhere in your line. Every TRADE includes a reversal of facing direction. If you meet someone pass RIGHT shoulders. BOYS, GIRLS, ENDS, CENTERS – 4 steps;

35 b. Couples: Directed couples change places with the other couple. You may be facing opposite directions or you may be facing the same direction. Every TRADE includes a reversal of facing direction. If you meet someone pass RIGHT shoulders. COUPLES – 6 steps.

36. Ocean Wave Family:
36 a. Ocean Wave: A 3 or 4-dancer line where the dancers are facing in alternating directions (in, out, in, out). Common is a RIGHT HAND WAVE. Less common would be a LEFT HAND WAVE. A mini-wave is 2 dancers facing in opposite directions. OCEAN WAVE – this is a formation.

37 a. Alamo Ring: A circle of 8 dancers forming an OCEAN WAVE. Dancers have alternating facing directions (in, out, in, out, etc.) ALAMO RING – this is a formation.

38 a. Swing Thru: Those that can, TRADE BY THE RIGHT, then those that can, TRADE BY THE LEFT. SWING THRU – 6 steps.

39 a. Runs: Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers: Designated dancers move forward and around another dancer as directed. This always results in a change of facing direction (180 degrees for the runner). The person being run around (runee) slides sideways to the vacated spot of the runner. BOYS, GIRLS, ENDS, CENTERS RUN – 4 steps.