Samena Squares Newsletter #22

Dear Friends,

Welcome to March! Did you get out to enjoy the sunshine and mountains the last couple of days? It looks like we are going to get a couple more. We do live in a beautiful part of the country!

The calls that we are learning in the next few weeks will finish up the Mainstream part of the initial square dance program, the Basic and Mainstream program. They are, for the most part, combinations of calls that we learned in the early weeks of class. It becomes important to know concepts like Right and Left, Centers and Ends, whether you are facing In or Out, the fractions (are turns 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or full turns?) and what box or formation are you in. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or ask for more review.

Here is a special opportunity for you. I am conducting a workshop for the Dudes & Dolls on Tuesday, March 19. The workshop is on Circulates. Here are the details: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Cedar Valley Grange, 20526 52
nd Ave. W, Lynnwood. The cost is $8/person. This workshop will cover ALL the Circulates. We started working the first night of our class with Couples Circulate and Named Dancers Circulate. As we have progressed, we now have 5 different Circulates in our list of Circulate calls that we know. However, there are some different starting formations that they can be done from. There is just not time in a typical class to get to all the variations, hence, the need for special workshops. Please feel free to come join the fun!

Some of you have asked about what is next. I will start offering workshops on Thursday, April 4 for 8 weeks until May 23. I hope you will plan to come. For more fun! For more floor time! The flier is below. The Circulate Workshop at the Dudes & Dolls is a specific topic workshop. The ones I will be doing in April and May will cover all the calls that we know to build confidence and to explore some of the variations that there is not time for in class.

You will notice that there are lots more dances to go to once you finish learning all of the Basic and Mainstream programs. The level dance on Sunday, March 17, is for new dancers that have started dancing in the last few weeks. You can come and be the experienced dancers!

I hope that you are all planning to come to the dance next Friday. It is the Samena’s Lucky Charms dance. I will be calling what we know. Get your green on and come!

Have a great week! See you Thursday night!

Happy dancing,

Week #22
30 b. Left Square Thru: Same as SQUARE THRU except start with the left hand. Continue turning into your foursome. LEFT SQUARE THRU – 4 dancers full around – 10 steps.

11. Spin the Top: End and adjacent Center dancer TRADE; new Centers of the wave CAST 3/4 and Ends move up 1/4. SPIN THE TOP – 8 steps.

12. Walk & Dodge: In-facing or designated dancers walk straight forward; other dancers slide in to the empty space. WALK & DODGE – 4 steps.